Right on the Edge of a New Year

This time of year always gets me thinking. What did I accomplish last year? What did I not accomplish? Once I take an inventory of the past year’s wins and fails, I am ready to jump into the New Year. I don’t make resolutions instead I clean house. Not the kind of cleaning you might be thinking of, even though Mr. Understanding would like it to be the kind you are probably thinking about. He is so understanding, still.  No, the kind of cleaning I am referring to is a mental clearing of  the clutter of the past year so that I can have some room to see the New Year breaking through.

Thank you for sharing this past year with me and all the ups and downs of life. I stopped blogging for a few months after the passing of my Mother. Her passing just stopped me cold in my tracks for a while. We have been blessed with longevity in our family and I think I had started to believe my parents would live forever. My father will be 85 in February. I now know even more how lucky I am to still have him.

I hope you will join me this coming New Year and may you find as much joy and happiness as you can stand.


Check back soon, I have some new projects in the works.


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